There are two Build a Bear coupon codes which can be redeemed at, the Build-A-Bear Workshop online.
The first one is “95257”. Using this coupon code, you can get $5 off discount on your order of $25 or more.
The second one is “BABW10”. This promo code is good for $10 off $40 or more purchase.
These coupon codes are time-limited offers. You can only use them before the expiration date.
If you plan to shop Build-A-Bear local stores, you may find the following buildabear in-store printable coupon valuable.
$5 off $25 or more BuildABear in-store printable coupon
This in-store coupon expires on Sept. 6, 2010. Terms and conditions apply, and see the Build-A-Bear coupon for details.
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